Monday, February 12, 2024

Trip Report: Windhoek, Namibia

We promised some trip reports and trip reports you get. While in South Africa for a cruise, we noticed that Namibia was so close by so why not pay it a quick visit? So off we go to the Namibian capitol, Windhoek.

We began with an early-morning flight on Airlink from Capetown. This is the smallest commercial airline jet we've flown; only 36 passengers. This airline does operate larger jets too and flies to throughout southern Africa.

After climbing out of CPT, numerous green mountain chains gave way to the Namibian desert for which the country gets its name.

The capital is non-descript. Lots of malls, other shops and government buildings. Most tourists visit Namibia to go on safari, not to come here.

The Christuskirche was designed around 1900 and is part of Namibia's German history. Germany did not have a lot of African colonies compared to France, Britain, Belgium & Spain but German Southwest Africa (later Southwest Africa) was one of them. So there are a lot of ethnic Germans living here and have been for generations.

The National Museum of Namabia

Namibisches Nationalmuseum

Since this was just a daytrip, there wasn't a lot of time to see much but one definite highlight was seeing wild baboons along the highway connecting the airport to the city. It was an interesting sidetrip and a good time was had by all.

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