To avoid any copyright problems, they're calling it Comedy Where? House. But the message is clearly there.....former CW performers doing familiar comedy to a CW-starved audience. The first session was last night but there will be at least three more...December 27th, January 3rd & January 9th. Tix are $15 for this Parliament House event and help feed starving comedians. Click on image for details.
Does anyone know if it is a safe area to park your car there? just wondering. I drove by the PH but never been there. I am not sure if the area is a safe area.
Please if someone goes, Record it on video and put on youtube and on here.
yes, there is a parking lot right next to the p-house. It's lit and I've never had a problem parking in it.
Parliament House is on the edge of the Parramore district which is not known for its low crime rate. But they have roving security guards out there so it's AT LEAST as safe as parking downtown and perhaps better.
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