Tuesday, February 22, 2022

DS Update: Characters In Flight?

A lot of people still call the tethered helium balloon ride at Disney Springs "Characters In Flight" but that's not been the name for years. When the current "blue" balloon took to the skies, the ride name had become simply, "Aerophile, The World Leader in Balloon Flight".  
This balloon model featuring Dumbo the flying Elephant was actually the second balloon at Disney Springs operated by Aerophile.

The first balloon featured Mary Poppins. In June, 2012, a tethered balloon ride of similar manufacture as this one sprang a leak at a non-Disney theme park in Hong Kong, causing a quick loss of altitude and injuries. The Mary Poppins balloon at then Downtown Disney was immediately grounded and replaced in September, 2012 with the new design shown in the middle picture.

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