Monday, February 21, 2022

Club Reports: Two Places I-Bar is NOT Going!

There are tons of rumors going around about where Barbarella aka Independent Bar aka I-Bar is moving to. Some make more sense than others so this weekend we checked out two venues. This first one is this building on Church Street just west of Exploria Stadium. Stonewall Bar recently operated here. In many ways its an ideal spot because inside it's a dead ringer for Barbarella. It's very dark, it's DJ booth is upstairs overlooking the dance floor, it has television monitors along the walls. It also has the bonus of an upstairs room and an outdoor patio. So this would be a great spot, except it's not. The property is still for sale on If this was the place, one would expect renovation activity and moving activity to be taking place in the middle of the day but not a creature was stirring. SO THIS AIN'T IT.


Another popular rumor was that Barbarella ownership was going to take over the lease of Iron Cow over in the Milk District. But again, one would expect renovations to be taking place or moving activity to be seen in the middle of the day but it wasn't. Plus, we've heard that current ownership plans to reopen the venue soon. SO THIS AIN'T IT EITHER. OEN will continue to keep our eyes and ears open! Stay tuned!

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