Tuesday, March 12, 2019

PI Update: Why Does The Blog Still Call It Pleasure Island?

People often ask me why Save Pleasure Island Blog still refers to PI as Pleasure Island rather than by it's supposed new name, The Landing. The reason is because there are zero signs on Pleasure Island stating that you're at The Landing. Yes, off the Island there are signing pointing you in the general direction of Pleasure Island with "The Landing" printed next to an arrow.
So you can walk and walk and never really know that you've made it to anything called The Landing because there are no signs announcing your arrival!
We don't call the entire complex Downtown Disney because there are numerous signs saying the place is called Disney Springs. But there are no signs indicating you're at someplace called The Landing. Disney is the creator of this confusion; if only they posted some signs at the entrances!
OK, there is this one sign at the water taxi boat dock saying "The Landing". But the only people who see this are passengers on a water taxi and really, another name for a dock is a landing so this doesn't clarify the matter. 

 There used to be huge signs at the entrances to Pleasure Island that announced the name. When you passed beneath, you knew you were headed to Pleasure Island! When Disney finally posts some entrance signs indicating that you're crossing to The Landing, the Blog will be happy to call it by that name as well. Until then, we'll continue to call it by the name our readers know it as: Pleasure Island.

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