Monday, March 11, 2019

PI Update: Where Are Our Clubs?

Let's cross this bridge one more time to beautiful Pleasure Island, searching for our former comedy and dance clubs!
After crossing the No. 5 Bridge, we arrive in West End Plaza and to the north was BET Soundstage Club. This club was demolished.
It was replaced with Maria & Enzos restaurant as well as Pizza Ponte. During construction we thought for sure that it would be a dance club due to it's huge lower level and surrounding overlook. It could still serve in that role and they really are missing out on huge revenue for not doing so.
To the south in West End Plaza was Comedy Warehouse. It too was demolished.
It was replaced with the STK restaurant. They do have DJ's in here nightly but it's never taken on much of a club or even lounge atmosphere.
Strolling down Hill Street we come to the beloved Adventurers Club. This building largely survived, instead the subject of heavy renovations.
Of course it became The Edison. AC fans can step inside and see many familiar staircases and corners. It's one of the few nightlife venues on the Island and has DJ's and dancing nightly.
Strolling further down Hill Street and bypassing 8TRAX for a moment, we come to Rock'n'Roll Beach Club. It closed months prior to the rest of the clubs and it ultimately was demolished.
The Indiana Jones-themed Hangar Bar takes up part of the space with the Waterview Stage taking up the other half. This is now home to the Late Night Disney Springs DJ dance parties on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights and other musical entertainment on other nights.
Finally at the very bottom of Hill Street was dance club Motion. To make room for the supposed need to route pedestrian traffic differently, Motion was demolished.
It was sadly replaced with The Boathouse restaurant.
Circling back around, the amazing Mannequins Dance Palace. It remains standing and was strategically renovated. 

 Of course it became the Morimoto Asia restaurant. But come inside and you can see Mannequins everywhere as we showed in this 2017 Blog article here.

 Last but not least, the front of 8TRAX. The front section was demolished to make way for shops.
The rear section mostly became part of the kitchen for Morimoto but much of this section here remains standing!
And if you come around back you can still see 8TRAX! Long live Pleasure Island!

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