Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Trip Report: Guadeloupe, France

 The United States, Great Britain and the Netherlands all have territories located in the Caribbean, but no one does it like France. Their land in this area are not territories but actual overseas departments of France. They're as much a part of the France as Paris is!
The tags say France.
The flag says France.
It's part of the European Union.
The cars are French.
The road signs are French.
The buildings look French.
Some French snacks!
The street toilets are French, lol.
They use the Euro.
Yes, this is as much a part of France as Alaska and Hawaii are part of the United States.
Of course the weather is a bit nicer than mainland France!
It was fun to visit France, albeit just for the day. Bonjour au Guadeloupe! A good time was had by all!

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