Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Club Report: White Party (MSC Preziosa)

NCL is famous for its "White Hot Parties"on its cruises so when MSC posted that they're going to do a "White Party" on this cruise I'm sailing on, I didn't know what to expect.

 It started with dance lessons.

Followed by a dance routine from some of the ship's theater troupe.
And then the show itself featuring the Cruise Director and the ship's animation team!
The theme was a plane traveling across the world and stopping at the home country of each of the animation team members and a song being played from that country.
It was actually a lot of fun!

We stopped at Brazil, Cuba, Morocco, Germany and Martinique among others along the way!

Most people were actually dressed in white!

Packed to the rafters!
It was one of the better deck parties I've attended and exceeded my expectations.
And a good time was had by all!

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