Sunday, April 8, 2018

Club Reports: Independent Bar, Vinyl Arts Bar, The Patio

You know if it's at all possible on a Saturday night, I'm going to drop by Independent Bar. And last night they had a special edition of their Saturday night 80's Night as it was DJ Rob vs DJ Indie John.
DJ Rob (USA) was in the booth when I first arrived!
Tag-teaming with DJ Indie John (USA).
Rob playing mostly DJ Rob Video Edits that he has the ownership rights to which tend to be more obscure (to me) 80's songs but not completely.
While John was playing a bit more mainstream (to me) 80's hits from Promo Only.
Spotted on the dance floor: Charlie
Spotted looking stunning: Andrea
My group had fun trying to guess who was DJ'ing based on the song being played! Always fun times at I-Bar! Who won? It was a draw as both were great!
You can always count on great House music at Vinyl Arts Bar!
Arrived at the tail-end of a great set from DJ Romano Arcaini (D / USA).
Just a small crowd on the dance floor though.
DJ Brian Busto (USA) would take over moments later.
And if you could get people inside from the outdoor patio or from the inside bar area, there were actually quite a few people here!
They love to keep this place foggy so it's just you and the music interacting!
It's been awhile since we've dropped-in on The Patio!
DJ Parry (USA) leading the festivities!
The club absolutely jammed for Parry's mix of Top 40 & Hip Hop hits!
Bubble music!
The mix of open to the elements areas and covered areas are unique to Orlando's club scene. We'll have one of our Blog "Downtown Updates" tomorrow.
A good time was had by all!

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