Monday, October 9, 2017

PI Update: The Many Faces Of The Edison

The Edison Orlando is scheduled to open in "Late 2017" and progress seems sufficient enough that this deadline is likely to be met.  The venue's website refers to it opening in November but we'll give them through December to arrive on time!
Yes, at one time the sign did indeed say "Spring 2017".  What is The Edison?

1) The Edison is this venue built mostly into the former Adventurers Club spot. In the backstory of Disney Springs, it's a former power plant that will consist of a restaurant and bars. We're told the venue will be rooted in creativity, imagination, and innovation.
2a) Built inside a former airline terminal, Mario and Enzo is an Italian restaurant located in new construction where BET Soundstage used to stand. 
Looking over the wall, we see it directly faces West End Plaza adjacent the No. 5 Bridge.
Side view. Interestingly, the owner's website refers to it as "Maria & Enzo's", not "Mario & Enzo"  so we're not really sure which is correct.  2b) Also, there apparently will be a quick-service takeout section called "Pizza Ponte".
3) Of course there is that often-discussed "performance arena" located aft in that 3-story section. We don't know if it will have its own name or whether it's simply a part of The Edison. We suspect the latter because their website refers to The Edison overall as "a lavish Industrial Gothic restaurant, bar, and nighttime destination with live entertainment. It presents cabaret, burlesque and music, craft cocktails, and classic American dishes." There no longer is reference to DJ's but we'll have to see. If performances take place within, then our description calling it a "performance arena" will have been accurate.  Burlesque on the Island.....awesome!

 4) Lastly, we have the so-called "rum running tunnel" Enzo's Hideaway, a hidden speakeasy apparently attached to the Italian restaurant. This is located directly beneath West End Plaza in space formerly occupied by Pleasure Island offices and a cast member snack bar. It looks like one entrance is this one on the Island's ground level to the side of STK and likely another one in the Italian restaurant itself.  For blueprints, click here.  Stay-tuned for more details! 

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