Tuesday, September 20, 2016

PI Update: Beginning Of The End For Comedy Warehouse (Part 1)

Last month we had articles entitled "When Motion Bit The Dust" & "The Demise of RRBC", both revisiting the final days of those dance clubs. Today we begin our look at the beginning of the end of Comedy Warehouse. As you'll recall, all the PI clubs were shuttered 8 years ago this month. And then nothing. Motion finally was demolished beginning in December, 2010 followed by Rock'n'Roll Beach Club about a month later.
But after those two clubs came done more than 2 years post-closure, once again there was nothing.  The Hyperion Wharf concept for the Island was then announced in late 2011 but the idea died a quick death by February, 2012. And as you can see in these top two pictures, no changes on the Island could be seen in April, 2013.
But come May, 2013, that would suddenly change! Walls were up!
Looking back west across West End Plaza.
Laffers Cantina was now blocked off!
As was Comedy Warehouse!
The wall extended down Hill Street past Curl, 8TRAX and Apricot Lane!
Looking back up Hill Street from the Hub! It reminded me of the Berlin Wall.
And OH NO it even wrapped all the way around the front and side of Mannequins! This was not good! It surely looked as though 3 more clubs would join the first two in oblivion! Tune in Thursday for Part 2 of this shocking story!

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