Tuesday, June 9, 2015

DTD Update: Riding Along BVD

The least-traveled section of Buena Vista Drive is the relatively short north-south section that runs between Winter Garden - Vineland Road (CR 535) and Hotel Plaza Blvd.  Here we are southbound on that section approaching Downtown Disney on the right at HPB. 
Two new pedestrian overpasses are under construction which will allow hotel guests to visit Downtown Disney without the intersection having to accommodate WALK/DON'T WALK cycles.
Guest staying in hotels like the Lake Buena Vista Hilton and Holiday Inn will cross this span over Hotel Plaza Blvd. first and then the second span into DTD.
Making a right turn on red and now heading west along the main section of Buena Vista Drive, we pass the new East Garage under construction right beside the road.
This picture shows the long backup in the right lane for westbound vehicles trying to get into the West Garage.
Traffic moves very slow within the garage.  That plus a long red light here causes the back up. Castmembers will use this pedestrian overpass to get from parking near Team Disney over to Downtown Disney.
The garage is as beautiful as car parks get but I can't recommend it until everything is operational.  In the interim, the Blog recommends parking in the surface lots west of House of Blues or in the lot across BVD from Downtown Disney Marketplace.  You'll be dining much sooner.
Continuing west, the new vehicle overpass which will carry traffic from I-4 directly into the West Garage.
Traffic only from westbound I-4 exiting onto EPCOT Center Blvd via SR 536 will have access to a new ramp that brings them directly into the garage.  If they can keep the cars moving, this will be a huge win for everyone!  If they can't, it will be a one way route with no escape.

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