Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Breaking News: DJ's Are Returning To Pleasure Island!

The Edison in Los Angeles announced today the future opening of their new Edison Orlando venue on Pleasure Island / The Landing at Downtown Disney / Disney Springs.  Occupying both the former Adventurers Club and BET Soundstage Club, the venue will have numerous rooms that include a restaurant and lounges.  The announcement refers to DJ's among the many offerings!  The Edison joins STK Steakhouse to be offering nighttime DJ entertainment.  Released details can be found here.  This is huge folks!  DJ's are returning to Pleasure Island!


  1. Sounds like the Edison holds some promise......but it's hardly a club. Splitsville started out with a dance floor and DJ.....and we know how that went. Unless there will be an area that opens in the evening as a club.....with an incredible light show and sound system....I'll probably continue to find it hard to be impressed or too excited.....

  2. Edison is about the ONLY thing that holds any promise for being unique... but my spidy senses tell me that while it may work in LA with a good local crowd who's into unique things... it's going to fall flat on it's face in BooreLando.

  3. Anon at 11:40PM, this will be much different than Splitsville because Splitsville is and always will be foremost a bowling alley. The Edison will have various rooms of evening entertainment and should have a club atmosphere in at least one of the larger rooms which we suspect will be in the underground section.

    Anon at 8:29AM, you are correct about the LA hipster crowd versus the Orlando crowd. And what the Orlando tourist and local crowd is willing to pay for cover charges is probably less too. That said, all the restaurants on Pleasure Island are going to have to offer something that draws people after 10PM. They can't sit virtually idle for 4 hours. I doubt we'll see Burlesque at our Edison and I'm not sure how well Cabaret will do. But I think DJ's spinning popular music late night could be huge!

  4. Hopefully the Edison will be a good Nightclub and good place to eat.
    Maybe, you can also fix up 8trax and Mannequines.
    A couple of outdoor bars would be nice too.
    It sounds like some nightlife for the adults after 10:00pm to 2:00am is coming back.
