Thursday, October 9, 2014

PI Update: Is Food Network Opening A Restaurant On Pleasure Island?

Is a cable television's Food Network opening a restaurant on Pleasure Island?  That was one of the rumors we published early in 2012.  At the time they were allegedly touring the former Curl by Sammy Duval retail building as the location.  But as you know, that building was subsequently demolished about a year ago.  Early last year someone leaked "logo boards" with possible Disney Springs tenants and the Food Network logo was among them. The Curl building was no doubt too small for such a restaurant but many new buildings are going up on the Island and it's possible that when we finally see Disney Springs tenants announced, Food Network will be one of them! 


  1. Maybe they will have a great bar, DJ's and music?? "Where you going tonight?" "I think we are going to Club Food Network"...... nope, that doesn't work. Oh well. Lol!

  2. Down Town Disney already has Wolfgang Puck's.
    Why are they making another place to eat based on Food Network?
    Are any of you people ever going to wake-up and reopen some of the clubs, so people can dance and party?
    P.S. Don't you think Five or Six years is enough?

  3. Yeah, because Cat Cora's place at the Boardwalk was such a success.

  4. You're right Ray, that doesn't sound good at all.

    I still don't know where all the diners are going to come from to support all the new restaurants. The capacity is needed during peak periods but for most of the year, that's not the case And we have lots of new restaurant capacity at CityWalk, Orlando Eye and Pointe Orlando.
