Tuesday, September 24, 2013

PI Update: Bypass Bridgework Continues

The lack of advertising on the Pleasure Island marquee might make you think that nothing is happening on the Island.  But as we posted yesterday, demolitions are happening all the time!
Actual construction is a bit more limited though, that's true.  It's limited to the new bypass bridge.
It will take pedestrians from the West Side near the tethered balloon ride and bring them around much of the Island.
Dropping them off here at the Pleasure Island water taxi pier.
It will supposedly be used once building construction gets in full gear in the Celebration Plaza area. The bypass bridge is supposedly going to be temporary but it certainly appears to be of high quality.
Zoom in and you can also see construction taking place in Staging Area 1 where club Motion used to stand.  This underground pipe work in the location where a lighthouse-design restaurant is coming to The Landing, as PI will eventually be renamed.

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