Saturday, August 10, 2013

PI Update: The Power Grid

It's still here!  Come and see it before it's gone!
Lots of Mannequins discussion since we posted those interior photos earlier this week.  Remember that the dance club was only in that tan-painted section of the building.  The section painted dark brown housed offices and a kitchen.  That section has those exterior stairs.
Shortly after the clubs closed someone very closely related to this building told me that Mannequins can never be torn down because it housed the power grid to the entire Island.  So that was the reason for the Blog's early-position that Mannequins would not be torn down.  The picture above shows some of the electrical equipment that makes up the "power gird" but there's supposedly more to it in the lower level of the dark brown section of the club.  As I've never been in there I don't know more.
I do know this:  The Funmeister is missing along with the fun!


  1. With all that Power Grid talk, it would be even more appropriate if this building reopened as The Edison, or a knock-off called Power Plant or similar.

  2. Wouldn't that be called the Con Edison? Lol!

  3. It's an interesting article about the power grid still being at the back of Mannequines.
    Hopefully they will fix Mannequines and 8Trax up,so the adults can have entertainment after 9:00 .
    P.S. Remember it's been five years, and 2013 is almost over.

  4. Talking to someone last night about the power grid, he said it would actually be pretty easy to replace what they have if they REALLY wanted to tear down Mannequins. So apparently the building is staying for other reasons.

    Readers, Con Edison is short for Consolidated Edison, the major utility in the NYC area. ComEd, short for Commonwealth Edison, is the major utility in the Chicago area. The name "Edison" is used in many utility company names around the U.S.

  5. Disney, just give us back Mannequins, please! That's the least you could do.

  6. I hope somebody gave the Funmeister a good home and that he didn't end up in a dumpster like Jessica R.

  7. @ August 11, 2013 at 2:47 PM!
    that being said! now maybe the inside of Mannequins is not really there!?

  8. The inside of mannequins is there, we just saw it. Get over it.

  9. @August 12, 2013 at 2:11 AM


  10. we saw pictures of the inside but no proof WHEN they where really taken?
    I understand you can't or will not accept it! don't want to think what a DUMB thing Disney did! but the 100% truth Mannequins is LONG gone! even if hell froze over and it was reopened! it is still gone! will NEVER be the same!

  11. ^ Why should we believe you about the dance floor and hanging mannequins? You've presented ZERO proof to support your position, just a bunch of talk. Maybe YOU should go inside and bring back pictures of the missing floor.

    The Blog has presented its proof. It's not perfect but it's far more than you've presented. Which is nothing.

  12. OK I would BUT like you I would go to jail for doing it!
    yes proof of the club sometime after it closed?
    I ask again? why would Disney leave the lights we saw in these pics? and dang near all the Mannequins on the poles?
