Monday, October 22, 2012

PI Update: SkyCam Views

It's great to have the Characters In Flight tethered balloon operating again so that we can give you great views of the Pleasure Island renovations that are sure to come any year now.
A nice view of Mannequins Dance Palace from 400 feet (122 meters) above the IslandIf you've never taken the ride, I highly recommend it.  It's $18 ($15 for AAA/CAA members). 
8TRAX  (formerly Cage, formerly Videopolis East)
Former home of Rock'n'Roll Beach Club (formerly XZFR Rockin' Rollerdrome) and club Motion (formerly Fireworks Factory Restaurant, formerly Wildhorse Saloon).
Comedy Warehouse with the still operating Laffers Cantina in front of it.  Also a good view of the current West End Plaza with Green and Purple Stages.
Soundstage Club (formerly BET Soundstage Club, formerly Neon Armadillo)
Adventurers Club
Curl by Sammy Duval (formerly Superstar Studios)
Paradiso 37 restaurant (formerly a collection of shops including the Missing Link Sausage Company fast food takeout restaurant)
The massive Raglan Road restaurant, bar, pub complex. (formerly Pleasure Island Jazz Company and Merriweather's Market food court)  Sosa Cigars is in the foreground.  In the four years since the clubs were closed, two were torn down but all the other club buildings remain standing empty. Paradiso 37 is the only thing new in the four years however it was under construction at the time and was coming anyway.


  1. "renovations that are sure to come any year now"

    What a Bold New Vision!

  2. Pretty pathetic that P.I. is still closed up.
    This is Disney, we keep wishing that P.I. and the clubs will all open up.

  3. Disney is supposed to be making more announcements on December 7th; likely Fantasyland Expansion, perhaps about Carsland at DHS and maybe about Splitsville. As for DTD, they can't announce anything if they don't know.
