Sunday, October 21, 2012

Club Reports: Vixen Bar, Suite B Lounge, Independent Bar

After attending a party at a neighbor's house, there was no time for experiments. It was on to the tried and true clubs including Vixen Bar downtown!
DJ Seth Vogt spinning a really great set of House/Dance!
Spotted: Orlando socialite CJ with friend!  Haven't run into her since Electric Sun in JAX!
Vixen was pretty crowded during my visit!
Moving over to Suite B Lounge where there's never a shortage of EDM!
DJ's Jade, Security and Rob-E!  Old School vs Nu-Skool!
Pretty good-sized crowd in attendance here too!
Lots of people on the dance floor!
Spotted: Orlando socialite CJ with friends here too!

 Spotted: DJ Scarlett (far right) with friends.  She had played an Old School set earlier in the evening which I unfortunately missed.
And of course a Saturday night visit to Independent Bar is a requirement if I'm downtown!
Not positive but I think that's Orlando socialite CJ in the I-Bar booth with Lighting Tech Ernie and DJ Indie John!
Dance floor was pretty jammed!
11/12 Lounge patrons!
And I'm relatively sure.....a good time was being had by all!

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