Saturday, May 19, 2012

PI Update: New Bathrooms Coming To PI So That SS & AC Can Fall??

A beautiful morning on beautiful Pleasure Island!  You know, I review a dozen or more internet sites each week to keep up with Pleasure Island chatter.  And if you believe one supposedly in-the-know guy on one website, supposedly this facilities structure behind Celebration Plaza and adjacent Comedy Warehouse will be demolished soon.  Why?  So they can build a new restroom structure there.  Why?
So that this restroom structure adjacent Soundstage Club can be demolished.  Why?
Because although it's in its own building, it's right up against Soundstage and supposedly shares plumbing with it.  Why does it matter?
Because supposedly once the new bathroom structure is ready they can tear down not only the old bathroom structure but also Soundstage!
And Adventurers Club too!  (Please note: I have no independent information about this; I'm only repeating what someone who purports to be in-the-know is saying!  The Blog is all about PI rumors, you know.


  1. If...if this is true, maybe Disney has a perspective tenant and they would want to build new buildings for them?? I don't think that they would just put up another empty building to just sit there?? Or maybe, they want nothing there to match the other side of the island...(RRBC) Lol. Damn, Damn Mouse!

  2. Considering that they just built that bathroom less than 4 years ago. I don't see it happening...

    But then again, I don't see much happening these days @ PI.

  3. If we're talking about the green bathroom next to BET, it's been there over a decade. Many a night I stopped there on my way off the Island.

    That said, I doubt this rumor not because I expect the clubs to survive but because I doubt Disney would even spend the $$ to build new bathrooms at this point. The company still hasn't taken down the "outdoor hallway" to the bathrooms at the bottom of the hill after 2 years!

  4. Jeff - GainesvilleMay 20, 2012 at 5:20 PM

    Yep, I remember going to that green thing for years when departing late night. Seems odd that if they were going to tear down SS and AC that they would leave that thing just standing there by itself. I'm inclined to agree with 71 that building new toilets does not seem like a task they would prioritize at this point. But then we all know that they do silly things sometimes - like close the doors on some of the most unique dance clubs in the world.....

    I'm coming there for a 10 day vacation in a week and I fully expect for the revolving dance floor to be operational!

  5. I thought that restroom was newly built around the time the West End Stage was torn down and the new bridge was built.
    (I thought the old restrooms were somehow in the WES structure...)

  6. I think I (vaguely) remember it now. The old PI Bridge 3 was lower; you used to have to walk up stairs to get up to Hill St. Prior to the stairs were restrooms under West End Stage (WES); there was also an elevator from the lower level up to Hill St.
    WES was removed around 2006.
    A restroom facility was built to replace the ones removed with WES.

  7. Disney apparently cannot get anyone interested in leasing out the existing Soundstage and Adventurers Club buildings. It's been nearly 4 years. So the logic goes, tear them down and then anyone who is interested in being part of whatever PI is going to become can build to their own specs.

    But tearing them down involves the elimination of those restrooms. (WC for our European readers) The other restroom complex is underutilized due to its hidden location but they're deemed too far away. So if this demolition is to occur, then they need new restrooms.

  8. A lot of rumors floating around out there. Of course, some of them involved individuals who swore there would be PI news at the shareholder's meetings in March and are now swearing there's more demolition soon to come. I don't see Disney taking the expense and resources to pull anything down without new tenants coming in right behind.....

  9. Of all things to build, new bathrooms? Come on.
