Friday, May 18, 2012

Club Reports: Dexter's, Why Not Lounge

Dexter's is a restaurant in Lake Mary that on Thursday nights becomes a club!
DJ Michael Knight brings in all the equipment and instantly there is a party!
Last night the place was pretty crowded overall but getting people onto the dance floor seemed to be a problem.  Sometimes empty and sometimes full, but it didn't get packed during my visit like it sometimes does!
Wobble baby wobble!
With lots of Hip Hop oldies last night, it felt like another night in The Groove.
Definitely not any better though at the Why Not Lounge.  Management squandered the crowds they used to draw at their decades old Thursday night Ladies night by moving it to Wednesdays.  A few patrons have returned but it's nowhere like back in the day!
DJ Baby D on the boards playing Hip Hop, Classics and current Top 40.
It wasn't a ghost town but only 3 people dancing during my visit.  The Why Not is located in the Howard Johnson's Plaza Hotel in Altamonte Springs.

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