Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pleasure Island Memories

One of the failings of Pleasure Island management was the lack of promotion and advertising. In the early days of PI there was all sorts of merchandise available with PI and club logos on them ranging from pins to apparel. Advertising for Pleasure Island was persistent. That all ended by the mid-2000's with the Carpe' PM (Seize the Night) advertising campaign which offered tourists 20% off all-club Passes. Many have speculated that the lack of promotion was deliberate, all part of a plan designed to put the Island out of business. Whether true or not, it was not until the final months that merchandise became available again; perhaps simply a case of clearing junk out of the warehouse. The PI club logo glass was quite popular as they were snapped up for one final time to hold on to Pleasure Island memories. The lack of a logo for Rock'n'Roll Beach Club on these glasses would indicate though that this was not warehouse holdings but something newer perhaps designed for the closing.
Of course some of the bartenders were not beyond making their own PI merchandise!!


  1. Yeah, I think they realized they could capitalize on "souvenir cup" add-ons the last month.
    Over at Adventurers Club, they offered 5 elusive different designs during the last month, releasing one about every week.
    AC used to offer souvenir cups with drinks. Like you said, in the last few years, they seemed to have forgotten how to make incremental revenue (possibly intentionally; dare I say 'sabotage'?)

    Seize the Bold New Grass

  2. I have a Mannequins T-shirt! I also have a MANNEQUINS (MANN-E-CAN) it looks like a oil drum! clear cups,matchbooks and napkins that say Pleasure Island on them. I also have other things with PI on them
    PI also had a Mannequins jacket
    If you want Bob I can send you some pics of what I have just let me know?

  3. Brian, would love to see some PI souvenir pictures. You previously sent me the Mannequins t-shirt picture so I already have that one.

  4. Where can i get one of those glasses with all the PI Club's logos?

  5. I have 11 of them! i collected them in the last few months before PI closed! yes I said 11.

  6. The logo cups had been around for years prior to the closing. However, once Rock and Roll had closed in Feb of 2008, those cups were quickly updated to show the logos minus Rock and Roll.

  7. Yes, while updated to remove the RRBC logo from the cup, they did not remove "BET" off the logo for BET Soundstage Club. You'll recall the "BET" name was dropped at least a year prior and the place simply became Soundstage Club.

  8. How much to buy one of your 11 cups?

  9. let me think about it??
