Monday, January 10, 2011

PI Update: More Commotion at Motion

The pictures speak for themselves. The demolition continues. Oh, the humanity! CLICK ON PHOTOS TO ENLARGE.


  1. OK, I'm alright with Motion coming down and even Beach Club.... But, ... PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't hurt our Mannequins or 8 Trax. (LOL)... Anyway, crazy how they are getting rid of it. I would have just assumed that Disney would have found a better "looking" way of doing it, like a bigger wall so guests couldn't see that mess walking down the Island...
    P.I. and the people of P.I. will always be in my heart!!!

  2. Anybody know what that blue building is behind the front part of Motion is that's been demolished? Did there used to be a separate building back there?

  3. Ann 8:49 - I believe that's the same building. The front (where the Motion sign was) was just built out from the building to make it look different from the original Fireworks Factory. When you walked in the door to Motion and looked up, you would still see what we are seeing now as the "blue building" you are talking about....

  4. Bob, Love your caption.. "More Commotion at Motion"...LOL! ~Damn Mouse

  5. Mannequins/8-trax building seems to be safe from full destruction based on plans. I'm not sure I would be able to handle stepping inside a transformed mannequins though.

  6. Zulemara, long-ago reported here on the Blog is that the Mannequins/8TRAX building houses the power supply for the entire island and thus, as a practical matter, cannot be demolished. They either reopen some clubs in there or repurpose the building.

    Anon at 9:22AM, thanks for the info. I was kind of wondering about that blue building myself. Never experienced Fireworks Factory so no idea a new front was added to give Motion its distinctive look. I'll have to go through file photos to see if I can see that blue building within Motion.

  7. I hope they do fix up Mannequins & 8Trax clubs and reopen them, and maybe add on Comedy Warehouse.

    Hope they come to their senses and do just that, so let's all keep a good thought.

  8. I think Fireworks Factory was torn all the all to the ground? because it was rebuilt for the Wide horse saloon! then closed and made into motion

  9. No, the building was never actually torn down...the front of the building was just redesigned for both venues....

  10. Motion had a large kitchen in the rear that had to date back to Fireworks Factory since there was no reason to build a kitchen for Wildhorse Saloon or for Motion. So that blue building we now see must be the original FF building.

  11. Yeah I asked a friend who worked on PI before it opened he said that they just re did the front. and well added on to make what the wildhorse wanted! at the time
