Monday, May 24, 2010

Last Supper

My final meal at the now closed McDonald's in Downtown Disney. Never more. (Sorry, absolutely nothing happening at PI.)


  1. Nice burger, "Where's the beef?".

  2. McDonald's has the nastiest food around. No wonder everyone is so gigantic in this country. Save a cow, eat a carrot.

  3. Tightglove, we all know the beef is over at Wendy's!

    Nasty? Not at 2am after the clubs close!

  4. On a related note, I always thought that offering late-night munchies was something that PI performed particularly poorly. (If I may be momentarily alliterative.)

  5. I never went to PI in the days when the Fireworks Factory was part of the mix but it's my understanding it was some sort of restaurant. I would visit The Missing Link Sausage Company for a load of french fries from time-to-time but they closed at 1am and often even before then. And they closed for good a couple years before PI did. So yeah Bill, I have to agree. Another missed opportunity. CityWalk does quite well with it's food court that stays open late.

  6. yes they originally had that fireworks factory. I don't remember the reason why they closed it. I'll ask a friend...

  7. they closed fireworks factory because the Wild Horse came in. they rented the property! the fireworks factory was torn down and new building was put up for the wild horse. this was 3rd party then Disney got the building back and opened Motion. as we know?
    Disney closed the neon armadillo. it became BET!

  8. Perkins Post-PI!!!

    ...LBV Perkins had to lose lots of money after PI closed.

    Fireworks Factory and Wildhorse (Food ops) were both operated by Levy.
    (aka operator of Fulton's and Portobello)

  9. Denny's too, Joe!

    Restaurants on a gated island like PI didn't make sense to me as that really limited customer numbers.

    Someone told me that even Mannequins sold food at one time. Can anyone confirm that?

  10. Mannequins never sold food they had private parties that served food.

  11. I talked to the manager at Perkins at XR one night, she said that in the year after PI closed, their revenue went down something like 68%.

  12. Sometimes after leaving CityWalk at 2am I'll still swing by the McDonald's at Crossroads. Except for spring break and holiday weekends, there is now rarely a line in the drive-thru. It could be a 45-minute line back when PI was open. I know their revenue is way down.
