Sunday, May 23, 2010

Club Reports: The Groove & Red Coconut

Deliberately left my camera at home this weekend so I could just enjoy time out without constantly looking for good shots. The Groove was pretty packed last night but I have seen it more crowded. I think a lot of people stayed home to watch the Orlando Magic playoff game. :( It occurred to me looking around that TG does not have the loyal following that PI clubs used to have. I mean, at Mannequins, 8TRAX & Motion you'd see 50% familiar faces and the other 50% were the tourists and other unknowns. At TG I only recognize a handful of people each visit that I've seen there before. It seems like every Saturday night 90% of the people are fresh. If they could increase their "repeat" percentage they could surely increase revenue. Anyway, I congratulated DJ AJ via text because he was actually playing a good amount of Dance & Techno!! Way to go AJ!!

Had a brief visit to Red Coconut Club where DJ Doc Wells (8TRAX, Atlantic Dance) had the relatively small dance floor packed wall-to-wall. It was too crowded, too warm and a bit smelly too! Had to leave.

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