Sunday, April 18, 2010

Club Reports: CityWalk & Atlantic Dance

The Mardi Gras series of concerts wrapped-up last night at Universal with the famous band Chicago. A lot of concert-goers stayed over for the CityWalk clubs; every club was absolutely packed and the lines were long everywhere for those that didn't arrive early. DJ AJ was spinning a lot of Top 40 mixed with Hip Hop for the wall-to-wall patrons in The Groove. AJ did play a DJ Deadmau5 song so we did get some techno! It appeared to me that the crowds exceeded the night that Akon was the singer at Mardi Gras.

If you want to hear techno though at CityWalk you have to hope that DJ Leony (Sirius/XM BPM) at Latin Quarter is in one of his moods. Besides the normal assortment of Latin hits, he played an extraordinary number of House hits that not only kept the dance floor jammed but people were dancing all over the place!

Meanwhile over at Red Coconut Club DJ Smooth ( kept an equally jammed dance floor moving with a mix of Top 40 and Hip Hop hits between band sets and after they ended at midnight. Smooth spins tonight (Sunday) at The Groove.

With everyone over at CityWalk you'd think that Disney would be hurting. Well yes, Pleasure Island was dead but Atlantic Dance Hall was full of partiers. DJ Pat, who tells me he has been the Saturday night DJ at ADH for around 13-years, kept the floor jammed here too with Top 40 videos and Hip Hop. ADH has been increasingly popular since PI closed and I'm not so sure Disney knows how to handle it!


  1. It's hard to believe Disney gave up all this money.

  2. "ADH has been increasingly popular since PI closed and I'm not so sure Disney knows how to handle it!"

    Based on past blunders, they'll probably close it as soon as they can.

  3. adh will not be a big loss!

  4. Joe, they can't close it until at least 2013 or 2014, I forget which. The problem they face with the increasing crowds is the noise created at 2am adjacent to some very expensive timeshare hotel rooms.

  5. It would be great to hear that Mannequins dance floor will be spinning again.....

  6. I'm afraid that the only place you'll see the Mannequins dance floor spinning again is on YouTube. But we can still hope.......
