Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fond Memories of CityWalk

Just over 6 months ago Pleasure Island closed club doors and locked us out. In a brilliant move, Universal CityWalk offered PI annual passholders a free 6-month "annual" pass in order to get us to start spending our money there. And it worked. For the past six months many of us have become CityWalk regulars. Tonight our free pass privileges come to a conclusion and CityWalk has no plans to renew or sell new passes. Future visits will require a $6.99 ticket purchase for 1 club entry or $11.99 for all clubs, each time we visit. CityWalk, I'll still be visiting from time-to-time but 2-3 times per week ain't gonna happen no more.

CityWalk hasn't been all I that hoped it would be but there have been some pleasant surprises:

#5 Rising Star - Who would have guessed that karaoke could be so fun? Live band, dancing go go girls, excellent electronics, lines at the door. A real unique surprise.

#4 Red Coconut Club - The large moon makes a terrific backdrop to the live band playing in front of it. The club decor itself is a cliche' take off of a 1940's or 50's Vegas nightclub. Well done, and WAY better than predecessor Motown Cafe.

#3 Pat O'Briens - Hurricanes! Hurricanes! Hurricanes! Sorry, that's it though. Jellyrolls out on Disney's Boardwalk does dueling pianos far better.

#2 Latin Quarter - OMG, the "eye candy" can't be beat! And having the nationally famous techno DJ Leony at the helm has been a great surprise.

#1 The Groove - CityWalk's most popular club is #1 because of the crowds, the new confetti machine, the 80's Night featuring 8TRAX DJ Doc, the hot door and line hostesses (no comparison to the old ladies that used to work outside Mannequins) and the beautiful female bartenders! Actually, the entire staff both outside and in have been very friendly. They do a good job creating a welcoming atmosphere. Kudos to DJ AJ for trying to please everyone! The Groove could have done better though by signing DJ Peapod to a contract and allowing him to operate a techno night. Afterall, the roots of The Groove go back to it being a techno dance club. But overall, good job.

So CityWalk, thanks for the memories. I'll still be dropping by.......but just not as often.


  1. I agree with everything you said. City Walk is OK but I prefer P.I. all the way around. (The old door ladies-LOL) What night is techno night at Latin Quarter?
    The schmucks at disney who decided to close P.I. really just don't get it.

  2. I highly recommend citywalk does a techno night at groove, it would be a bit hit. I do belive there are people doing surveys in citywalk or in the circle Hub area right before you reach security bag check. Perhaps if we all tell them to make 1 night of techno then we can all go there. Of course i would love to have PI open again.

  3. Anon #1, there is no actual techno night at Latin Quarter. It's definitely a latin music club. But DJ Leony will often run a "house set" of music when he's in the mood.

    Anon #2, I'll look around for survey takers at CW and try to get surveyed!

  4. Thanks for the info KB. I'm not willing to sit through latin music to maybe hear some house.

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