Tuesday, January 14, 2025

CW Update: That Groove Rumor

We have absolutely zero factual evidence nor inside information but a rumor we had heard over a year ago resurfaced again within the past month. The rumor is that The Groove may be returning. As you may recall, The Groove closed along with everything else during 2020's covid19 pandemic. After things began reopening, The Groove never did.

After sitting idle for quite some time, in 2022 it was announced that CityWalk was replacing the dance club with a Universal Studios themed Escape Room called Universal's Great Movie Escape. We've heard they are high quality, awesome escape rooms. We have no idea what the numbers are for this place but surely it's not anywhere near what The Groove used to bring in every weekend.
If you go inside UGME, you can still kind of see The Groove in there. The theater-look is still there. Those stairs to the upstairs balcony are still there. The two escape rooms (not pictured) have a temporary look to them. It would seem to be pretty easy to turn this back into a dance club. We've not seen that their new theme park Epic Universe, which opens in May, is going to have a nightlife aspect to it. (The Universal Helios Grand Hotel will have a rooftop bar.) Disney is sticking with family-oriented music entertainment in Disney Springs and seemingly is not going after the adult market whatsoever. Meanwhile over on International Drive, both Icon Park and Live! at the Pointe are going after adult nightlife in a big way. Universal could be seeing adult hotel guests leave property at night and heading over there. So perhaps CityWalk will see a much-needed rejuvenation including the reopening of The Groove. That's the rumor.

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