Saturday, May 25, 2024

Trip Report: Indianapolis

Took a trip Friday/Saturday to visit my college town of Champaign-Urbana. We'll have a separate article about that place. We used Indianapolis International Airport as our gateway as the fares there can be quite low. Of course this being Memorial Day weekend, this is 500 Weekend in Indianapolis and they had this car on display in the airport terminal. It's a real "Indy Car".

Or it was at one time. I was intrigued by this Enco sticker on the car, a gasoline brand not used in decades. Use of the Standard Oil name was partitioned by an anti-trust court to many different companies and many different states. The Standard Oil Company of New Jersey got to use the Standard name in many northeast states and internationally and they chose Esso to signify it. (S.O. is pronounced Esso.) But some of the other Standard companies objected to use of the name Esso in their territories. In mid-America, Standard Oil of Indiana got to use the Standard name so Standard Oil of New Jersey used the Enco name in those states including Florida. It was cool to see it though.

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