Sunday, February 18, 2024

Trip Report: Addo Elephant National Park

Jambo! Located around 100km east of Port Elizabeth, Addo Elephant National Park is the 3rd largest national park in the country of South Africa, the largest being the more-famous Kruger National Park.
The park is massive, covering both sides of a mountain range and containing all of the "Big 5" of African animals including elephants, lions, leopards, rhinos and African buffalo. We began our tour at the Addo Main Camp which contains cabins, gift shop, convenience store and a Total petrol station.

Leaving your vehicle is not allowed at Addo Elephant National Park no matter how you traverse the park, so we had to remain in our excursion coach. There are more than 500 elephants living in the park and they're often found either at watering holes or grazing in the low-growing bush.

The elephants are nearly everywhere including this big guy.

Elephant train coming through!

Never saw any lions or rhinos but plenty of zebras.

Those two dots around the 2 o'clock position in this picture were warthogs running off.

A good time was had by all.

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