Tuesday, January 16, 2024

PI Update: No More Shaves Or Haircuts

It appears that the Art of Shaving store on Pleasure Island has closed. The place looked empty and a sign on the door read "Please Pardon Our Appearance, Something New Is Coming Soon". We did not notice the store elsewhere in the complex and if it simply moved to a new location, you'd think the sign would indicate that.
You may recall that Art of Shaving was in that 4-pack of stores on Hill Street that opened on the Island after the initial renovations. We believe Apex by Sunglass Hut and Sound Lion were the first two stores to open and AOS was approximately third. The front of 8TRAX was shaved-off to create room for the 4-pack and the original Curl by Sammy Duval stood roughly in this area too. We believe AOS opened in 2015 so it did last at least 8 years! Because so many vacationers want shaving supplies.

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