Monday, August 1, 2022

DS Update: Labor Day Bash At HOB!

In the foreground above, House of Blues in Disney Springs West Side. They've been reopened for more than a year now following the covid19 closures but with few exceptions, it's been bands only and very few DJ's. When one discusses House of Blues though, conversations invariably circle around to Service Industry Night.  Yes, their famed SIN drew thousands of  patrons each Sunday night including Disney Cast Members (which got in for free) until October, 2015 when Disney finally quashed it.. There were a number of resident DJ's that led the fun over the years including Magic Mike (USA), Jimmy Joslin (USA), Richie Rich (USA) and Sandy (USA). Well, it's time to relive those days again!

A "Labor Day Bash" is happening on the Sunday night of Labor Day weekend and it will feature former resident DJ's Magic Mike and Jimmy Joslin, joined by DJ Icey (USA), DJ Kimball Collins (USA) and DJ Baby Anne (USA). This is not SIN so no free admission for CM's. We're aware that there will be a contingent of former Pleasure Islanders attending too!  This is a show you won't want to miss! Get your advance tickets here or at the House of Blues box office.

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