Tuesday, March 8, 2022

PI Update: Is 8TRAX Still Back There?

Half way down Hill Street on Pleasure Island you will find this unlocked entry gate.

And if you go through that gate, you'll be in an open-air service corridor.
And that door straight ahead leads into Morimoto Asia. But that door to the right, we're told, leads in to what used to be 8TRAX. Sanuk Shoes is in the front parcel facing Hill Street while Morimoto occupies much of the rear space.....but not all of it. We were told years ago that the area in between Sanuk and Morimoto is a dead space that was never renovated and it still looks like 8TRAX!


  1. I know the Sanuk employees don't want 50 people coming in and asking about it, but have you asked them if they have access to it? Or would the only entrance be from the Morimoto side?

    I mean, I'd be glad to slip someone 50 bucks to slide a phone in there and take a photo!
