Tuesday, September 29, 2020

PI Update: No Party At The Edison.....Yet

With live DJ music and a band, The Edison had become thee party place on Pleasure Island until they were shuttered by covid-19. When Disney Springs reopened, The Edison's reopening was delayed additional weeks. So now, while they are open for business as a restaurant and while they are offering some "light" musical entertainment most nights, the live band is not back and the DJ is not back. 

 The problem right now is that Disney Springs is still operating under their Phase 1 rules which means they close at 10PM nightly and entertainment is limited to low-key background stuff and only 4 nights per week. Aside from the restaurant at The Edison, they were becoming increasingly popular for music and dancing beginning at 10PM and then all the way until close to 2AM. They are completely closed now during those hours so they can't get the place cranking until management brings back "Disney Springs Late Night".  Perhaps now that Florida's governor has opened up the state, Disney will follow suit. But no indication so far.

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