Tuesday, June 16, 2020

DS Update: Construction Continues

Let's give you an update on all the exciting things taking place at Disney Springs. First off, in the Town Center, Lululemon will be occupying the space vacated by Trophy Room. The sign says Summer, 2020 for the opening. Since they've been working on the space for some time now, that does seem plausible.
M&M World is relocating from Florida Mall to this space in the West Side where Curl by Sammy Duval and Fit2Run used to occupy. Progress here seems very slow from what we've seen so we'll see if they can meet their Late 2020 opening date.
We're unsure of the status of Ample Hills Creamery, slated to go into this West Side space previously occupied by Something Silver. AHC filed for bankruptcy back in March and we don't know what will happen here.
Lastly, we have this space where Bongos Cuban Cafe used to stand and where there will be new construction. Chicago-based healthy eating restaurant Beatrix will be coming here but we'd have to say sometime in 2021. While construction "looks" can be deceiving, compare what it looks like now to what it looked like back in March when we last visited here.

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