Sunday, April 26, 2020

Firestone Update: Reopening Soon?

 "We will celebrate again together soon!" reads the marquee sign outside Firestone, The Club at Firestone, Firestone Live, Venue 578, The Vanguard Theater.

 Yes, notwithstanding the coronavirus situation, we could see The Vanguard opening within months. The Blog last visited 6 months ago and we posted exterior and interior construction photos here.

The exterior appears to be largely finished. These black plywood sheets block the main entrance along Orange Avenue.
Opposite the main entrance, The Patio, where many a great DJ has played, has been enhanced with seating plus stairs to the second level.
Rounding the corner of the patio and looking west, it continues further. More black panels block what I assume will be glass windows and doors.
Walking down the Concord Street side and then looking back east, one can see not only that patio on the lower level but also a balcony level above it.
The entire back of the building where the parking lots are. Their website refers to a Spring, 2020 opening which of course is now through mid-June. We'll just have to see how things play out but it's good to's coming back!

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