Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Trip Report: Atlanta

Pleasure Island is closed. Now Disney Springs is closed. So we needed some filler material today leading to this Trip Report. Fares are currently really cheap and yesterday was the last day that Delta was using a widebody Boeing 767-300ER on the Orlando-Atlanta route. (It's usually used on the Orlando-Amsterdam route which is not operating.) So what better time than now to take a day trip to Atlanta!
Nothing to do there; pretty much everything is closed. Like Florida, Georgia has a Republican governor who refuses to issue a statewide travel ban.
The Boeing 767 holds around 250 passengers and there were about 100 on my flight to Atlanta. They had us all spread-out so no one was near another passenger unless you were traveling together. All Delta flights are wiped-down following each segment and are fumigated overnight. My return flight on the same aircraft didn't even have 25 passengers.
Airlines have parked their unused aircraft pretty much anywhere they can get space. This photo was taken from the climb out of ATL but there are similar parking lots scattered around MCO too.
Interesting way to spend an afternoon and a good time was had by all.

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