Saturday, March 21, 2020

Downtown Update: Friday Night Bleakness

Friday night in downtown Orlando. With bars and clubs ordered closed, parking garages were barricaded.
And parking meter spaces which are free after 6PM were ample.
A small number of eateries are open for take-out only but the 11PM mandatory curfew in Orange County was looming.
Celine Nightclub: CLOSED
The Crow: CLOSED
Attic Nightclub and Treehouse: CLOSED
Shots Orlando: CLOSED.  The only people I saw wandering around were several downtown residents walking their dogs and the numerous homeless.
Bullitt Bar and McQueens: CLOSED
Tier Nightclub: CLOSED
Sideshow: CLOSED
Wall Street Plaza: CLOSED
Aero Bar and The Social: CLOSED
Independent Bar: CLOSED.  It does not take long to realize that hundreds and perhaps thousands of downtown workers are now unemployed and their lack of spending ability will ripple its way through other businesses. And it's like this all over.
DJ Magic Mike would not be playing his Friday night gig at Ember.
DJ Jimmy Joslin would not be playing his Friday night gig at Bar B.
There's always a party at The Patio.....until there wasn't.
But Orlando has weathered a crisis or two in the past and we've always survived. 
We will do so again.  
Please be safe.

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