Tuesday, December 10, 2019

PI Update: Now & Then

Let's cross this bridge one more time to beautiful Pleasure Island to check out some of the differences between now and the recent past.
At the south end of the Motion Corridor facing Riverboat Square, this new painted citrus advertisement has been added to support the Disney Spring historical theme.
I couldn't find a picture of that wall alone in the Blog archives but that brick wall to the right of the construction walls is how it most recently appeared, including in 2014.
Interestingly, the wall appeared in pre-Disney Springs concept art and there was to be a small store front at that corner. That never happened.
With Waterview Stage now the home of nightly music including DJ concerts on Friday and Saturday nights, permanent lighting rigs were installed. The ground area has to stay free of clutter.
In earlier years, this was home to a Christmas tree at this time of the year.

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