Wednesday, September 4, 2019

PI Update: Hurricane Preparedness On The Island

Our regular Wednesday feature "This Weekend In Techno Town" will appear tomorrow. Instead, we present this special report directly from Pleasure Island.
Let's cross this bridge one more time to beautiful Pleasure Island to check on hurricane preparedness on our beloved island. I recall reading that Disney builds everything to withstand Category 5 winds.
As we crossed the bridge, we noticed the Aerophile balloon ride (formerly Characters In Flight) has had the passenger-carrying gondola removed.  The balloon itself is tightly wound in netting anchored down with ties. Aerophile has to decide with each storm whether to drain the balloon of its helium and helium is very expensive. Obviously, with the apparently low risk of this storm coming through Orlando, they elected not to drain the helium.
At The Edison Orlando, all the outdoor chairs and tables have been taken away.
Likewise outside STK.
Further down Hill Street at Paradiso 37, the same.
And most obviously, outside Raglan Road. No boarded windows spotted anywhere but with a minimal impact on the Orlando area, we were blessed indeed.

 The revolving dance floor at Mannequins shall spin again some day!

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