Monday, September 2, 2019

Concert Report: No Name Night (I-Bar)

Sunday night of Labor Day weekend is typically a bonus "party" night but with that hurricane out there downtown was atypically quiet last night. But it was on with the show at I-Bar for "No Name Night".
It's been a few years since we last saw DJ Stefan (USA) in this booth!
The early crowd on the dance floor.
Stefan was tag-teaming with DJ Lavidicus (USA) throughout the evening.
The music was advertised as Industrial, Synthpop, Dark Noise and Electronic Body Music. Heck, I can't even tell apart Tech House from Techno!
Spotted at the bar: Tracy
Spotted on the dance floor: Draven
 Spotted by the bar: Tina, Renee & DJ Parry (USA)

Spotted on the dance floor: Andrea

Spotted in VIP: Goth Kermit
 I-Bar Saturday nights used to be more Goth than it has been the last few years. It's become more mainstream to meet the needs of millennials who want music they recognize. So it was great to experience again the darker side of music! 

A good time was had by all.

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