Saturday, June 15, 2019

DS Historical Series: Old Railroad Town

Not many people know it, but the City of Disney Springs, Florida has a storied past as a railroad town back in early-to-mid part of the 20th century. This plaque, located along Disney Springs' Hill Street, commemorates the city's railroad heritage.
Back in the day the Sunshine Rail Line passed through town; I think the famed train City of Miami passed through as well. We recently searched around the town to see what remnants of the former railroads could still be found.
The train station for the city was located here at the top of Hill Street. Since trains no longer come through town, the former-station was sadly turned into a bathroom complex.
The remnants of a former locomotive turntable can still be faintly found in the city's West End Plaza in front of what is now the STK restaurant.
Presumably the trains arrived in town via its West Side on an elevated trestle.
The tracks are long gone but some of the trestles remain standing. The City was supposed to turn this trestle top into a park for drinking and dining but we don't know whatever happened with that.
What we don't understand is why the tracks might have turned here towards the lake. We would think that arriving trains would have proceeded directly over the No. 5 Bridge towards the station. Unfortunately, we could not locate any of the town's old-timers to ask.
Trains would then have crossed the turntable as they pulled into the station just beyond it. As you can see, not a lot remains anymore of Disney Springs' railroad heritage but it remains nonetheless a pilgrimage site for railfans from across America (and Brazil).

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