Monday, January 14, 2019

Trip Report: Gas Stations Of The Caribbean

Editors Note: The Blog was not able to visit Disney Springs yesterday due to a missed connection in Miami on Saturday which caused a forced overnight. We thus present this filler article in its place.  Looking at some of the gas station brands in the Caribbean as spotted during my cruise. Located in Martinique and Guadeloupe, ESSO is the brand name used worldwide outside the United States by Exxon. It is pronounced as S.O. which stands for Standard Oil.
Also in the French Antilles you'll find branches of French petroleum conglomerate Total S.A.
RUBiS may be the largest gas company in the Caribbean. This location was spotted in Grenada but they're all over the region including in the Bahamas.
Sol was spotted in several countries including this one in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
NP is National Petroleum of Trinidad and Tobago. They are the dominant brand in that country and had purchased the assets of BP British Petroleum decades ago.
Unipet was the other brand spotted in Trinidad and Tobago.
Back in 2017 we posted a "Gas Stations of the West" article. Link.

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