Sunday, December 23, 2018

Club Reports: Independent Bar, Bikkuri Lounge, Iron Cow

Two nights in a row at Independent Bar! Yes, but I can't miss a Saturday night here if it's at all possible!
DJ KC Cuts (USA) and DJ Indie John (USA) taking turns last night.
Even at this early hour there was already a crowd in here!
The Saturday night format of mostly 80's New Wave always brings out the masses.
Even on a cold Orlando night!
You won't hear any Country music in here, thankfully.
This is the place to be on Saturday nights!
Yes, it may say "sushi" on the outside, but there's a dance club on the inside!
DJ Wavewhore (USA) on the decks when I arrived.
Breaks all night long!
Spotted taking photos: DJ Def Jeff (USA)
More Breakers than you can shake a stick at!
Spotted along the sidelines: Christa, DJ Timebomb (USA) & Lana.
What are the odds?
Spotted on the dance floor: Tanyia
Spotted in VIP: Brooke and Manda
DJ Beni Hill (USA) taking over late and continuing the theme.
Now over to the Iron Cow.
Catching the tail-end of a great House set from DJ Atnarko (USA).

Big crowd in the club!
Spotted on the dance floor: Cristal
Everyone awaiting the arrival of the headliner.....
DJ La Fleur (S)
That look you get from real House music!
First Orlando appearance from the Stockholm-based La Fleur.
I first met her in Montreal in 2016 when she played outdoors on a January night at Igloofest.
A few of her songs were more Techno sounding.
Strike a pose!
Spotted out front: Devon
Spotted in position: Club Photographer Justin Pile
Depending on the night, you'll find DJ's or live bands at Iron Cow. Located in Orlando's Milk District, there's numerous bars and always plenty of free parking.
A good time was had by all!

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