Thursday, November 8, 2018

EDC Week: Annual Fashion Guide To EDC

Ladies, it's time for Save Pleasure Island Blog's annual unofficial Fashion Guide to Electric Daisy Carnival - Orlando. Here is our list of DO's & Dont's for the coming festival.  DO: Skimpy is good. It's going to be warm out there this year!
DO: Colorful is good. Don't be a wallflower.
DO: High rise or low rise, short shorts and crop tops are always a nice touch.
DO: Head bands and combat boots go well with those short shorts.
  DO: If not short shorts, tutu's are still in style this year.
DO: The choice of ravers since the 90's, fluffies are also still very big!
DO: If you got it, flaunt it. Halter tops are very much appreciated.
DO: Lastly, if you got a nice tail, show it off!
Now a couple of don'ts.  DON'T: Don't wear heels. Only a small area of the EDC grounds are paved and although you might look good in them, you'll be miserable.
DON'T: You should not wear horizontal stripes. They can tend to make you look fat. 
Hope to see you at EDC!!

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