Monday, September 24, 2018

PI Update: Shades Of 8TRAX

This Thursday marks 10 years since Pleasure Island was closed forever. But as we visit the Island, we can still remember the fun we had back then. And in fact, you can still see some snippets of what once was. This was the lower/rear door of 8TRAX. That round building carried guests up a circular staircase from the club's lowest level near this door up to the club's highest level where the DJ booth was.
We were told even back then that the building that housed 8TRAX and Mannequins could never be razed because it housed the power grid for the entire Island. While no doubt the power grid was ultimately moved elsewhere to support what became the much-larger Disney Springs, it's true that 8TRAX and Mannequins were the only clubs to be spared the wrecking ball!
I can remember many-a-night when the entry line began here and snaked its way up the stairs beside the club building!
The 8TRAX dance floor during happier times.
The 8TRAX dance floor during sadder times.

 No more drink specials at 8TRAX.

Now a part of Morimoto Asia, you can still visit outside and see shades of 8TRAX. Sadly, "Peking Duck" is in, "Disco Duck" is out!

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