Monday, September 3, 2018

Concert Report: DJ Magic Mike (House Of Blues)

Sunday nights in Orlando used to mean one thing: Service Industry Night at House of Blues in Downtown Disney.  Unlike SIN where cast members could get in for free, last night was as close as you could get!
Missed the opening set from DJ Rincon (USA). Instead arrived to find DJ Ish (USA) on the decks!
The early crowd was populating the large dance floor!
And it filled quickly as people filed in!
Joining Ish in the booth, DJ Dominick Morrison (USA) who was working the lights last night. Of course we all know The Dom from his DJ shifts in Mannequins!
Pleasure Islanders were in the house last night!
Spotted by the booth: DJ Luis (USA) & DJ Sher-Khan (USA)
Spotted by the bar: DJ Scott King (USA)
Spotted on the dance floor: George & Brittany

Spotted in the club: DJ Richie Rich (USA)
Spotted in VIP: DJ Rincon (USA) & DJ Ish (USA)
Spotted by the stairs: DJ Evolv3 (USA) with friend.
Spotted by the door: Murs with our favorite bartender from Atlantic Dance Hall, Fernando.
And by 11:15pm it was packed!
And the curtain opened for the headliner.....
DJ Magic Mike (USA)
And the break dancers went into immediate display!
Just like SIN, the music was all EDM!
Plenty of spotlights and smoke!
And lasers!
Magic Mike is able to hold these Sunday night sessions 2-3 times per year and they definitely bring back the memories!
The upstairs was closed last night so it kept the crowd downstairs where the fun was!
MM had the club bouncing!
Playing some Hip Hop classics during the last half hour!
You can never go wrong with Go Go Girls!
With tickets costing $11, the crowd did not include many of those really young service industry patrons that used to congregate here.
Confetti explosion!
And a good time was had by all!  Big thanks to Rincon for the professional courtesies and to Magic Mike for the hospitality!

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