Sunday, September 9, 2018

Concert Report: Cosmic Gate (Gilt Nightclub)

Saturday night at Gilt Nightclub is the place to be as HTG continues to bring in big name DJ talent!
Arrived around 11PM to find DJ Agni (USA) in the booth.
The dance floor was already packed!
The music of the evening, Trance of course!
Up next, first time seeing DJ U4EUH (USA).
As the floor continued to fill!
And the excitement was building as it got later.
U4EUH is based in Tampa.
Spotted in the middle of it all: Adriana & Anthony
Spotted on the dance floor: DJ Agni & Gisela
Spotted by the bar: The U4EUH Fan Club
Spotted by the booth: Karina & Tricia
Spotted by the railing: Joe

 Spotted at work: Club Photographer David Monteverde
And then right at 12:30AM, there they were.....
DJ duo Cosmic Gate (D)
And they wasted no time getting LOUD!
Giving us some Above & Beyond!
Let there be no mistake about it.....Trance is back!
That look you get from Trance.
Packed to the rafters!

Cosmic Gate had the club in a frenzy!
 Cosmic Gate is based in Krefeld, Germany near the Dutch border.  Thanks, David Montverde!!

Ending with Mannequins classic, Delerium's "Silence" ft. Sarah McLachlan.
Bouncing in VIP!
Their set ended at 2:35AM and the crowd demanded an encore. I didn't think they would....or could. But they did.  And it went on until 2:45AM!
Amazing set and a good time was had by all!

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