Thursday, August 9, 2018

Downtown Update: They Come & Go

Church Street venue Ferg's Depot has apparently closed down. Built into a historic railroad depot building, lots of money was spent renovating it before it finally opened. The Blog had visited several times but it was crowded during only one visit and in the past year I would often find it closed on weekend evenings. A railroad theme was clearly in order but I was never impressed that they emphasized their connection to the adjacent tracks. Sad.
Further west on Church Street and on the other side of I-4, this mostly empty lot remains the site of the Orlando Magic's future entertainment complex. Announced in 2015, we saw the old parking garage on this site demolished followed more recently by the Orlando Police Department building. But after that, crickets.
With restaurants, bars and shops, this was the concept art released originally. Would this not be awesome for downtown Orlando!  PHOTO ©NBA.COM
On Pine Street, the bar Basement has moved into half its former space with the other half replaced by taco-joint Jimmy Hula's. It joins other locations around Orlando, Tampa Bay and Jacksonville. Attic Nightclub and Treehouse up above it remain in business.
Also on Pine Street, Red Mug Diner closed for renovations one year ago and never reopened. Now it looks like The Robinson Cocktail Room will open here and upstairs. Team Market Group, owner of the über-popular Mather's Social Gathering, is behind the concept. Stay tuned to the Blog for more downtown updates!

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