Tuesday, June 12, 2018

PI Update: Top O'The Island

We often talk about the clubs here on the Blog but today let's talk about a different Island feature; something which was removed during the renovation of PI.  Yes, let's cross this bridge one more time to recall how it once was.....at the top of the Island!
One of the most popular new venues on the Island is this WC complex overlooking West End Plaza. You might have forgotten what used to be here.
What used to be here was the Lombard Promenade. Opened in 1929, it was a gift from Merriweather Adam Pleasure to his wife Isabella following a trip they had taken to San Francisco where they discovered the equally curvy Lombard Street.  Flanking the promenade were.....
Curl by Sammy Duval to the left, a surfing store. It had replaced Superstar Studios, a place you could record your own songs onto a record album.
It was razed and replaced with Sanuk, a flip-flop store.
Flanking the promenade to the right were Comedy Warehouse and at the very top, Laffers Cantina.
And of course this is where today you'll find STK.  Ahh the memories!

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