Thursday, June 21, 2018

PI Update: The Mystery Door

Mannequins fans of course remember this door that led directly from Hill Street and into the upstairs of the club. Sometimes it was exit-only, sometimes it was only for smokers but sometimes it was a secret way in with no line when there was a long line to get in at the club's front door!
During the Island's reconstruction, this became a much-narrower outdoor service corridor and the entrance door(s) into what is now Morimoto Asia was cut in size too.  But it's that door to the far right that you can barely see that remains a mystery!
We know that the Sanuk flip-flop store is there now, yet only in the front. And at the rear are Morimoto's kitchens.  Supposedly that door leads directly into: 8TRAX. What?  Yes, supposedly there is unused space between Sanuk and Morimoto that was never leased-out and never renovated and it still looks like 8TRAX in there!


  1. I would LOVE to see in there.

  2. The door is open in that picture right??? You didn't bum rush it??

  3. Yes, the door is open in that bottom photo. Not worth getting arrested over it.
